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DRAGON Magazine 138

Page history last edited by meersan 16 years, 7 months ago

excerpt from DRAGON Magazine #138

October 1988

p 73-74

The Role of Computers

(C) 1988 by Hartley, Patricia, and Kirk Lesser

Strategic Simulations, Inc.

The first official AD&D computer game,

Pool of Radiance, was released in August.

This is a fantasy role-playing game that,

according to SSI, has one of the most

challenging multiple-character environ-

ments ever offered to computer gamers.

Pool of Radiance combines state-of-the-art

three-dimensional and overhead graphics,

and allows the player to select either

detailed tactical combat or computer con-

trolled combat. Release in C64/128 format

took place in August; IBM micros and

compatibles and the Apple II versions

come this fall. Additional formats are

currently being evaluated.

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